Cordobo Green Park 2

November 19th, 2012 by Andreas Jacob

This is Beta 10

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Xcode is tightly integrated with the Cocoa frameworks, creating a productive and easy-to-use development environment, and is the same toolset used by Apple to produce Mac OS X and iPhone OS.

Todo – H3 Headline

  1. archive.php
  2. header.php
  3. sidebar.php
  4. single.php
  5. style.css
  6. twitter plugin evaluation
  1. Example stuff
  2. Remove “sucks in IE6” (cc’s for ie6 – padding/margin stuff)
  3. “Top”-Link anpassen
  4. .post CSS Klasse Archiv/Kategorieseiten anpassen
  5. Kommentare anpassen
  6. Favicon erstellen
  7. Headlines h4-h6 formatieren
  8. Tags formatieren in index.php, single.php, search.php und archive.php


  1. Cordobo says:

    Just a test

  2. Cordobo says:

    Reply Another Test

    • Andreas Jacob says:

      This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment.

      If threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress.

      • Andreas Jacob says:

        This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress.This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress. This is a threaded comment, if threaded comments are enabled in WordPress.